Tuesday, September 23, 2008

from the best side of europe....

...Pickle me this and Pickle me that...what´s the best-most awesome-most bodesious thing i have seen so far¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?
Rat Tail/jedi padawan dread! Its true, a dude on my team has like a 5 inch peice of hair in the back that is dreaded...the rest of his head is about a quarter inch long, just that one peice sticks out....ahh if i was on the other team and i had the ballz to touch that thing i would pull the shit outa it.

next up...eating alone kinda sucks. i have a feeling i might be doing that a lot for a while....also finding an apartment here is harder than i thought, especially since i dont know the areas and why are better for what reasons ext...u know

also keyboards in foreign countries are ballz...i have to press like 4 buttons to get an @...see that was super annoying to do...you think the ´at´sign would be important enough to be just 2 buttons....but u can do cool shit like this ¿ÑǬ€(which the $ actually takes presedent over still....)

finally, got my first bit of anit muslim racism today. was trying to see a dudes apartment, and he kept asking me for a photo...like literally he´d be like, yes the apartment is free, send me a photo...so i thought wtf weirdo craigslist dude, see that we didnt leave you behind in new york, and finally asked ¨why¨and I quote ¨just because i dont wanna share my place with an old muslim man with beard who is praying 25 times per day¨...to which i responded ¨wow, well i´m a young muslim man with a beard so you probably dont want me to share the place with you either...¨ wanted to cuss him out more but was afraid he´d retaliate and try to send me the worlds most spam...you could really ruin someones email address like that...

so thats about it, ganna hit the sack, hope i wake up for the free hostel breakfast and then hang out all day for supposedly one of the biggest festivals in all of barcelona, although no one can tell me what its for...

keep it picklin...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

recycled post!