Wednesday, April 8, 2009

belle or jasmine?



shoe bomber said...

not "or"

rather, "and"

Jugador DO$ said...

The bomber took the EASY way out.

Look, this is soo easy of a freaking question. Jasmine for sure..more exotic, also more baller, remember when she like was showing aladin up when they were jumping on the roof tops and what not? Also this is not the most flatureing picture of her but shes WAAAAY better

Syon Bhanot said...

I'm a sucker for white girls, so I'm leaning Belle from the get-go. But my mom would prefer Jasmine... or would she? I dunno how the whole Arab thing would go over...

Also..... Jasmine is OBVIOUSLY more badass. Belle is a bit lame.

Furthermore, I feel like when you factor in the likely quality-of-sex factor, it makes it a slim Jasmine win. I mean, she's gotta be better in the sack than boring old Belle.

Too much analysis? Never.

Jugador DO$ said...

syon, keep it on team brown, thats what u gotta do...

nitin u gotta weigh in as well

100$ robe or jb doesnt reply

NKW said...

Your bet for $100 is accepted.

Anonymous said...


Nitin - give me my $50.


NKW said...

As a young nerd, I remember being infatuated with Belle. She is from and lives in France, is enamored with books, and has a fantastic singing voice. These are traits that were (and are) attractive to me.

As I grew into adulthood, Jasmine definitely gained the upper hand in the duel these two fought in my head. She dresses more provocatively, has a pet tiger, is probably better looking, and has eyes that are hiding something. Not sure how or whether my own racial identity plays into this, but it may also be involved.

To conclude, Jasmine, though I have a perpetual soft spot for Belle.

Unknown said...

I'd say Jasmine, because of this SNL skit:
